Vista Theater in Negaunee starts showing movies

The Vista Theater in Negaunee is probably best known to local residents for its live theater performances; it hasn't shown movies in years. 

That's about to change, thanks to community donations which have provided a movie screen and projector. 

Starting July 5 through July 11, classic movies will be shown each night at 7 p.m., and cost $5 admission, with concessions at about $2 also available. The first movie is Casablanca on July 5, followed by The Wizard of Oz on July 6. The Wizard of Oz also will have a 2 p.m. showing that day, which is Sunday. Then, Goonies will play July 7; North by Northwest on July 8; Singin' in the Rain on July 9; King Kong on July 10; and Ghostbusters on July 11. Additional shows will be announced as the summer goes on.

The Peninsula Arts Appreciation Council, which runs the theater, says thanks for the funding goes to the Cliffs Natural Resources/Eagle Mine Marquette County Community Fund. 

The Vista is located at 218 Iron Street and is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Vista Theater
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